Sunday, June 28, 2009

experience: notre dame

my visit to notre dame last week was fantastic!

highlights included:

--waiting in line for a good hour to get to the top of the towers!

--totally lucking out and getting to go up to the top for FREEEEEE.

--the gargoyles! looooove the gargoyles! though they looked awfully lonely to me... =(

--the view from the top, obviously [an utterly SENSATIONAL view of the ENTIRE city! pictured above...]

--trying to wrap my mind around what it would be like to have the job of ringing the bells of notre dame everyday [and then actually seeing the main bell]

--reliving scenes from the disney movie in my head... oh, disney!

--spending time meditating and praying inside of the cathedral, lighting one of the candles, getting lost in the stained windows

--sitting still long enough to really feel the great spirit and energy that exist inside such a historically rich building

--walking away and thinking to myself... "hey, what a wonderful world..."


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